Tag Archives: cute

Totoro Bed <3

25 Oct

I’ve been squeee’ing for a full 10 minutes over this bed.

I must have it.
I will cuddle the entire world with it.

Better Than Xanax

24 May

These tiny knitted happy pills are way better than Xanax.
How could one be depressed with a few of these guys floating around your purse?
(My anxiety meds always end up floating in my purse, like pharmaceutical nomads)

File Under: Things I Must Try

21 May

 I think my head just exploded from the sheer adorableness.
The owl and the blue bunny are my favorites, though I’ve always had a weakness for foxes and plaid.
Oh Internet, why must you show me so many cute things? These are made by Etsy artist Sleepy King, who has even more adorable plushies at his store.
I have to try making these.
I mean, they look simple enough.
How hard can it be?
(Famous last words)

Lego Stephen Hawking

20 May

I want to build a lego Stephen Hawking.
He will ride on my shoulder and lovingly whisper the secrets of the universe.
And it will be wonderful.

Tiny Brain Is Tiny

18 May

 Tiny spare brains in a jar, for all those times when yours just won’t work.
Or an actual sized brain of a creationist.
You decide.

Colorful Lab Cookies

17 May

Colorful lab cookies, for the scientist who needs a little sweetness in their life 😀

Periodic Table. Literally.

14 May

Life Of A Lab Mouse

9 May


3 May

Love Your Legos

30 Apr

These simple and adorable lego heart jewelry pieces can be found at Shana Logic for less than $15

Totoro Cupcakes!

24 Apr

Star Wars Cuteness

21 Apr

Microbe Painting

20 Apr

While in college, I spent a few years working at an art gallery. I absolutely loved it. It was an excuse to get out of the lab and meet people, and many artists appreciated my insatiable passion and constant pursuit of what I loved, even if they didn’t know what the hell a Gram’s stain was. Either they appreciated it, or lovingly put up with it. Either way, it rocked.
Right before one of my coworkers left to pursue greener pastures in another state, he painted me this incredibly adorable microbe painting.

I want to hug it forever!


18 Apr

Your unfounded, religiously-driven belief in a 6000 year old earth makes Science Kitty sad.

You Are Here

17 Apr

(Found on Pintrest)

Continental Cuddling

11 Apr

Adorable Dinosaurs

5 Apr

Hard evidence that giant tyrannosaurs were cuter than you ever thought possible

by Annalee Newitz of i09.

Imagine a tyrannosaur weighing one and a half tons, completely covered in soft, downy plumage. Even its tail is fluffy with feathers. Though we’ve known for a while that many dinosaurs were covered in feathers, a group of Chinese researchers have now provided direct evidence that gigantic, deadly tyrannosaurs might have looked a bit like wuffly birds. Three nearly complete, well-preserved fossils give us a glimpse of tyrannosaurs the way we’ve never seen them before.

The fossils were found in the Liaoning Province in China, in the “Yixian formation,” a package of rocks that is known to date to the early Cretaceous period. Described today in Nature magazine, the creatures are in the subgroup Tyrannosauroidea, which is part of the Therapod family that includes both the iconic T. Rex as well as winged dinosaurs who eventually evolved into today’s birds. The animals that paleontologist Xing Xu and colleagues dubbed Yutyrannus huali would have been quite large for tyrannosaurs (the largest, an adult, likely weighed almost 1.5 tons) and were probably the apex predators of their region.

The researchers write:

Most significantly, Y. huali bears long filamentous feathers, thus providing direct evidence for the presence of extensively feathered gigantic dinosaurs and offering new insights into early feather evolution.

Hard evidence that giant tyrannosaurs were cuter than you ever thought possible

In these fossils, you can see the long, flowing tail feathers that would have trailed out behind these huge beasts. The question that Xu and his team ask is why these large dinosaurs would have needed feathers. Usually feathers and fur are used for insulation, but creatures with large bodies often lose their hair because they generate enough body heat that insulation is unnecessary. Y. huali is by far the largest dinosaur known to have had feathers, and there is plenty of fossil evidence that other large tyrannosaurs had scaly skin.

The researchers speculate that these tyrannosaurs may have been adapted to extremely cold environments, while other tyrannosaurs lived in more tropical regions. Another possibility is thatY. huali didn’t have feathers all over its body — it might have had some areas of bright plumage for display, but scales elsewhere.

Read the whole scientific article in Nature

Lego Jewelry

2 Apr

These adorable little lego delights are the brainchild of Jacqueline Sanchez, as part of her charmingly named “Forever Young” collection.
A classy gift this is sure to appease your significant other’s inner child.
❤ ❤ ❤


Knitted Gnome Sodomy

1 Apr

This past week has been my birthday week, and full of awesome shenanigans as well as continuing packing and preparing for the move. My apartment is full of boxes, my tummy is full of microbrew and strawberry-rhubarb pie, and my brain is exploding with happiness.
But before I curl up in bed, I can’t resist sharing the wonderful presents I received tonight from my dear friend Margherita, who is a yarn genius and a connoisseur of cute.

Knowing that I am absolutely in love with blood, particularly red blood cells, she knit me a tiny RBC:

 I shall call him Eric the Erythrocyte!

She also made me 10 gnome minions!

I absolutely love gnomes!
They have beards, which I’ve always had a weakness for, and are kind of creepy, but in an cute way.
(Like me!)
When I was a teenager, while all the other girls dreamed of marriage and children, I dreamed of being a part of the Garden Gnome Liberation Front. (aka the Front pour la Libération des Nains de Jardin. The French are weird in an oddly lovable way, and fifteen-year-old me believed that stolen gnomes were essentially catnip for French people).

If you look closely, you’ll see that one of the gnomes (lower left) has a red beard.
Ginger gnome!
And another (lower right) is missing his shirt.
And one of the gnomes (on the very top) is completely nude.

Newton, The Nudist Gnome!
I plan to let him go skinny dipping in my sink.
Fortunately, his beard is long enough to allow for some modesty, though Margherita admitted that she was tempted to make him anatomically correct.

And two gnomes are engaging in what has to be the most adorable depiction of sodomy I’ve ever seen.
Gnome sex has never been so cute.
Which is really saying something, as tiny gnome sex is already pretty damn adorable.

Also, to top things off, she made me an itty bitty narwhal named Natalie:



30 Mar